Eng. Fady Nammar

Fady Nammar is a young Lebanese engineer and a public servant serving in the Lebanese Ministry of Public Works and Transport.

He is known for his ambition and perseverance in his career, and for the various projects and tasks he has engineered and still develops for the Ministry throughout the years of his service.

Born on 6 February, 1963 in Shbanieh, Lebanon, Fadi Nammar currently lives in Beirut, Lebanon.

Nammar advocates his support and admiration to ideologies, common aspirations of freedom, peace and equality, not people’s debasing of these idealistic notions. He earns his respect through his own respectful behavior towards people he encounters everyday.

He chooses these people rather than idols to be his reference and counsel. Although Nammar dreams of a past Lebanon of morals and values; however, he is a realistic man who believes practical and short-termed planning amidst the rapidly changing circumstances of Lebanon will build a strong nation.

Aside from his job, Nammar enjoys traveling around the world and has a significant photography collection from around 54 countries he has visited. His photographs have been assembled into a book and an accompanying DVD with the title: “Vision”.

Moreover, Nammar is involved in various charitable organizations via financial support and volunteer work. He believes that all people deserve to be treated indiscriminately regardless to race, gender, religion or political affiliation and all deserve an opportunity to aspire to a better life.